Are all cards in English?
YES! Despite some images having Japanese text all cards sold on our site are in ENGLISH.
How can I contact TripleSleeveTCG?
Have a burning question that needs answering? Unsure about if we can ship to your specific region? While our FAQ has most of the answers if you don't see what you need you can contact us via the chat on the bottom right side of the website. Or visit us on Facebook.
We're closed most weekends.
What is your returns policy?
TSTCG understands that sometimes mistakes happen, if you accidentally order the wrong split or don't get the SVR version just contact us using the chat on the bottom right side of the website, by email found on the bottom left of the website, or contact us on Facebook. Otherwise we don't offer refunds on pre-orders outside of special circumstances.
What are your delivery options?
TripleSleeveTCG is only offering USPS & Fed Ex shipping options.
Do you provide International Delivery?
Yes; however, only to customers in North America. Due to fluctuating and rising shipping rates buyers who wish to ship outside of the US must first please contact us by email triplesleevedtcg@gmail.com to confirm your purchase with additional shipping rates and post payment as directed via PayPal. Thanks so much!
How do I track my order?
After we ship your product we'll update our order form with your tracking number, this will get emailed to you. From there use the shipping providers platform to track your order.